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(Please DO NOT include Social Security, Passport, Bank Account or Credit Card Number, or other sensitive personal information)


Information that you provide on this form will be used to respond to your inquiry and may be used and shared for law enforcement purposes pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act and other laws that the FTC administers or enforces. This request form is voluntary, but if you do not provide the required information, we may be unable to process your request. The FTC may be authorized or required by law to disclose your information to outside organizations and individuals; for example, if the information you provide becomes subject to a valid litigation discovery request and is not subject to a valid law enforcement privilege. Other routine uses of your information are described in the system of records notices for the FTC’s law enforcement and consumer complaint systems, as applicable. To learn more about how the FTC handles and protects the information we collect, see our Privacy Policy.
Esta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado.