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13 de Jul de 2000

12 de Jul de 2000

Para su Difusión

Online Pharmacies Settle FTC Charges

Operators of a group of Online pharmacies that promoted themselves touting medical and pharmaceutical facilities they didn't actually have and making privacy and confidentiality assurances they didn't...
Para su Difusión

FTC Testifies on Identity Theft

The Federal Trade Commission today said that it continues to expand it efforts to stem the growing tide of identity theft. It has established a toll-free consumer hotline (1-877-ID-THEFT), to provide...

11 de Jul de 2000

10 de Jul de 2000

Para su Difusión

FTC Reaches Court Settlement with Third "Trip Trap" Defendant

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the third court settlement resulting from a series of travel fraud complaints brought in August of 1999 and together termed "Operation Trip Trap." Through...