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12 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

Announced Actions for October 12, 1999

New Bureau of Competition Director : Effective today, Richard G. Parker has been named Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition. His appointment by Chairman Robert Pitofsky was unanimously approved...

8 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

Announced Actions for October 8, 1999

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions. Advocacy/comments filed by FTC the Commission: The Commission has authorized the filing of comments on the Federal Communications...

7 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

United States and Japan Sign Bilateral Antitrust Agreement

Federal Trade Commission Chairman Robert Pitofsky and U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno today signed an antitrust cooperation agreement between the United States and Japan. The agreement was signed for...

6 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

Crammers Settle FTC Charges (October 1999)

Defendants who crammed charges onto consumers phone bills for services they did not order or authorize have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that their practices violated federal laws...
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FTC Testimony Addresses Scholarship Services Scams

"The College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act of 1999 provides some useful tools to help combat scholarship fraud," said Federal Trade Commissioner Sheila F. Anthony in delivering FTC testimony today...

5 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

"Catch the Bandit in Your Mailbox"

Pledging a continuing law enforcement effort against mail fraud that costs both consumers and businesses millions of dollars a year, the Federal Trade Commission and its partners, the U.S. Postal...
Para su Difusión

Announced Action(s) for October 5, 1999

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions: Release of New Consumer and Business Education Alert: To alert small business owners to two Y2K scams - phony billing for Y2K...

4 de Oct de 1999

1 de Oct de 1999

Para su Difusión

"Catch the Bandit in the Mailbox"

The Federal Trade Commission will host a press conference to announce new initiatives -- including a new "Internet Public Service Announcement Banner Project" -- to help state and federal officials "...