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25 de Nov de 1997

24 de Nov de 1997

21 de Nov de 1997

18 de Nov de 1997

Para su Difusión

Jenny Craig, Inc

The Federal Trade Commission has reopened and extended until December 3, 1997, the public comment period to provide interested members of the public an additional fifteen days to submit written...
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Announced Actions for November 18, 1997

Petitions to reopen and modify or set aside orders: The FTC has received a petition from the following entity seeking changes in, or termination of, an FTC order. The FTC is seeking public comments on...

17 de Nov de 1997

Para su Difusión

November 17, 1997

The Federal Trade Commission has eliminated its Dry Cell Battery Rule, concluding that because the industry is voluntarily complying with the requirements of the American National Standards Institute...

14 de Nov de 1997

Public Statement

Health Care Mergers: Will We Get Efficiencies Claims Right?

Introduction The changing nature of health care delivery, the related surge of hospital mergers, and the growth of innovative provider networks have made antitrust's role critical for the health care...
Para su Difusión

Announced Actions for November 14, 1997

Commission action regarding applications for approval: Following a public comment period, the Commission has ruled on an application for approval of a transaction from the following: The FTC has...

13 de Nov de 1997

Public Statement

The FTC and Dietary Supplements

Good morning. I'd like to thank FDLI for organizing this conference today. I hope that, with the help of our staff, FDA staff and representatives of the state Attorneys General, we will reach a better...