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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
In November 2020, at the FTC’s request, a federal court in Ohio issued a temporary restraining order against 25 counterfeit websites that allegedly have been playing on consumers’ COVID-19 pandemic fears to trick them into paying for Clorox and Lysol products that the defendants never deliver.
In May 2021, The FTC announced a law enforcement action to halt deceptive health and efficacy claims in the growing market for cannabidiol (CBD) products. In the action—the first since the Commission announced a crackdown on such false claims last December—Scottsdale, Arizona-based Kushly Industries LLC (Kushly) and the company’s sole officer Cody Alt agreed not to make false or unsupported claims or falsely claim that scientific evidence exists to back them up. They also paid the FTC more than $30,000 in consumer redress.