The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
0604015 Informal Interpretation
0604018 Informal Interpretation
20060956: Quincy Newspapers, Inc.; Raycom Media, Inc.
20060954: Wolseley plc; Steve Menzies
20060944: Macquarie Bank Limited; Macquarie Global Infrastructure Fund B
20060943: Macquarie Bank Limited; Macquarie Global Infrastructure Fund A
20060941: William H. Gates III; Magnum Coal Company
20060934: Deutsche Telekom AG; AT&T Inc.
20060933: AT&T Inc.; Deutsche Telekom AG
20060921: U.S. Premium Beef, LLC; Brawley Beef, LLC
20060850: Verisign, Inc.; m-Qube, Inc.
Allergan, Inc., and Inamed Corporation, In the Matter of
The consent order requires that Allergan and Inamed divest the rights to develop and distribute Reloxin, a potential Botox rival, to settle charges that Allergan’s $3.2 billion purchase of Inamed would reduce competition and force consumers to pay higher prices for botulinum toxin type A products. Under the terms of the FTC settlement, the companies will return the development and distribution rights to Reloxin to Ipsen Ltd., its U.K.- based manufacturer.