The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P., et al.; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
White Sands Health Care System, L.L.C.; et al.; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
20050002: Paul G. Allen; DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc.
20050001: Audax Private Equity Fund, L.P.; Southern Equipment Company, Inc.
0410002 Informal Interpretation
Rosario Partnership, Funes, Inc., et al.
American Dream Enterprises, LLC, and Andres Fernandez Salvador
Piedmont Health Alliance, Inc., et al., In the Matter of
With an administrative complaint issued on December 22, 2003 the Commission charged Piedmont Health Alliance, Inc. with collectively setting prices it demanded for physician services with third party payers. According to the complaint, the physician-hospital organization entered into signed agreements on behalf of its member physicians to participate in all contracts negotiated and to accept the negotiated physician fees. The complaint further alleges that these practices eliminated price competition among physicians in the North Carolina counties of Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba. The complaint also names ten individual physicians who participated in the alleged price fixing services. On August 10, 2004, the organization and physicians agreed to settle charges. Also refer to settlement entered with Tenet Healthcare Corporation (Frye Regional Medical Center, Inc.).
Virginia Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers
The Virginia Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers settled charges that it prohibited Virginia funeral directors and service providers from engaging in truthful advertising that would inform consumers of prices and discounts for funeral products and services. Under terms of the consent order, the Board is prohibited from engaging in such practices in the future and is required to amend its regulation prohibiting Board licensees from advertising funeral services including those services that can be contracted prior to the death of the person whose funeral is being planned.