The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
20021136: Code, Hennessy & Simmons IV, L.P.; LLS Corp.
20021130: Dex Holdings LLC; Qwest Communications International Inc.
20021129: Edward W. Stack; Edward W. Stack
20021128: Scottish Power plc; Aquila, Inc.
20021101: William H. Gates, III; Six Flags, Inc.
Conoco Inc. And Phillips Petroleum Company; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
Granting of Request for Early Termination of the Waiting Period Under the Premerger Notification Rules
20020851: Archer-Daniels-Midland Company; Minnesota Corn Processors, LLC
20020644: Aggregate Industries, PLC; Wakefield Materials Corporation
Amgen Inc. and Immunex Corporation
Amgen settled antitrust charges that its proposed $16 billion acquisition of Immunex Corporation would reduce competition and tend to create a monopoly in the biopharmaceutical markets for neutrophil (white blood cell) regeneration factors; tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors; and interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibitors. The consent order requires the firms to sell all of Immunex's assets related to Leukine -a neutrophil regeneration factor -to Schering AG; license certain intellectual property rights to TNF inhibitors to Serono S.A.; and license certain intellectual property rights related to IL-1 inhibitors to Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.