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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Consent order requires Consumer Energy, a CMS subsidiary, to "loan" natural gas from its own system to shippers on third-party pipelines if the interconnection capacity with competing pipelines falls below historical levels settling charges that its acquisition of two natural gas pipelines, Panhandle Eastern Pipeline and Trunkline Pipeline, from Duke Energy Company, could reduce competition and increase consumer prices for natural gas and electricity in 54 counties in Michigan.
Medtronic agreed to divest Avecor Cardiovascular, Inc.'s non-occlusive arterial pump assets to settle antitrust concerns that the acquisition would lessen competition for the research, development, manufacture and sale of the pumps in the United States. The order requires Medtronic to provide assistance to the buyer of the Avecor Pump assets to enable the buyer to obtain FDA approval to manufacture and market the Avecor pumps an reservoirs.