The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Exxon Corporation, The Shell Petroleum Company Limited, and Shell Oil Company, In the Matter of
Exxon will divest its viscosity index improver business to Chevron Chemical Company LLC to settle allegations that its proposed joint venture with Royal Dutch Shell to develop, manufacture and sell their fuel and lubricants additives would reduce competition and lead to collusion among the remaining firms in the market.
First American Real Estate Solutions, LLC; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
SoftSearch Holdings, Inc., and GeoQuest International Holdings, Inc.
Consent order settles charges that the acquisition of Petroleum Information Corporation could create a monopoly for production and well history data used by geologists and petroleum engineers to find additional oil and gas reserves. The settlement requires Dwight to license a complete set of well history to HPDI, an independent competitor, or another Commission-approved licensee.
Fair Allocation System, Inc.
An association of 25 automobile dealerships settled charges that they agreed to boycott Chrysler if the manufacturer continued to allocate vehicles based on total sales. Competing dealers marketed vehicles offering lower prices on the Internet and were taking substantial sales from other dealers in the Northwest. The consent order prohibits the dealers from threatening to enter into any boycott or refusal to deal with any automobile manufacturer or consumer.
Granting of Request for Early Termination of the Waiting Period Under the Premerger Notification Rules
Chrysler Corporation, Bozell Worldwide, Inc., & Martin Advertising, Inc.; Analysis to Aid Public Comment
Nortek, Inc.
Nortek, Inc., agreed to settle FTC charges that its $242.5 million acquisition of NuTone, its closest competitor in the hard-wired residential intercom business, would violate federal antitrust laws by creating a dominant firm that could drive up prices in the market. Nortek, based in Providence, Rhode Island, controls 31 percent of the market for hard- wired residential intercoms, through its M & S subsidiary. NuTone is the leading seller of residential intercoms, with about 56 percent of the market. Together, the merged firm would control about 87 percent of U.S. hard-wired residential intercom sales.To settle the FTC charges, Nortek agreed to divest M & S, its wholly-owned subsidiary and the second-largest seller of hard-wired residential intercoms in the United States.
South Lake Tahoe Lodging Association
Consent order prohibits the association from entering into agreements that restrict its members from posting or advertising room rates for lodgings in the South Lake Tahoe area of Northern California and Nevada.