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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
FTC amicus curiae brief in Rayle v. First Natl Bank of Cut Bank et al. before the Central District of California concerning whether an equity receiver may sue on behalf of defrauded customers
The Trust remains in existence and continues to hold title to the asset after the transaction. This is a purchase of a stream of income and not reportable.
See # 23 in Premerger Practice Manual refers to the PMN Office position on loans. Called [redacted] 12-18-92. Noted that the sale of substantially all of a portfolio of loans can be exempt under c-1...
12/16/92 – Advised [redacted- colleague] in the absence of [redacted- author of the letter] that the premerger office was of the view that the trust units were not voting securities. Asked for further...
12/14/92 The transaction is exempt. The parties have already filed for a merger and consolidation so that the contemplated restructuring is covered by the prior filing. JS andRS concurs 802.30 does...
Called (redacted) firm and informed a cast of thousands in a conference call that my answer was over-simplified. After explaining John Sipples letter of 11-21-90, the parties decided to file and did...
If this is straight up, as is, with no side deals (contractual agreements, etc.) then this is ok. Otherwise, we are troubled lets talk. Called [redacted] 12-3-92. [Redacted] said that the parties will...
Clarified that payment is not received until after the services is provided. If payment was received before the service is provided the countervailing liability/obligation would have to be added to...
Where there is a management agreement for operation by the previous non-holder (esp. where there is a change in name also) this would constitute an acquisition. Facts in this case do not meet this...
11/30/92 - Advised [redacted] that under the particular facts of this situation, there is no need for lessee to file for taking of title to [redacted] from lessor. Under the present lease, we are of...