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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Letter is incorrect. I cannot bind the Commission. I merely advised (redacted) that we advise that no filing is necessary. We refers to the premerger office, and the FTC and Dept. of Justice are not...
9/10/86 Transaction would be scrutinized carefully by PMN Office because structure of transaction lends itself easily to evasion of reporting requirement and it may occur in cases where there could be...
re: Concerning the formation and operation of a provider-controlled PPO in which the price agreements are between individual participating physicians and each payer.
No written response will be given. A must determine in good faith fair market value of the v.s. of X it will obtain and if below $15.0MM in value then none of above transactions appear to be...
Response: Advised the Above on Aug. 1, 1986 that I agree. Andy Upon later review this appears to be in error regarding the submission of documentary info. for that portion of the transaction subject...