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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Not reportable. B is keeping $5MM and the rest is being passed through. Doesnot meet the size-of-person test. P1 and P2 formation and partnerships are notreportable.
7/26/83. RE: Letter of July 14, 1983. Letter is correct but we hereby ask forcopies of exemption request & send letter if request granted. We assign # and giveC5 letter & when - exemption granted we...
The attached letters were reviewed by Wayne Kaplan and Dana Abrahamsen prior to July 8,1983 and as modified in the second letter there does not appear to be a reportabletransaction or transactions...
John & Dana concur 7-26-83. John. Problem: who has beneficial ownership inthe attached situation? The client or the broker? The situation is identical to theattached example with the exception that...
re: Concerning provisions in a code of ethics regarding delegation of services to non-physician health care providers, arrangements for postoperative care, use of experimental procedures, and...