- Countrywide Pagará $108 Millones de Dólares por Sobrecargar a Propietarios de Vivienda con Dificultades de Pago; Administradores de los Préstamos Inflaron Cargos, Trataron Erróneamente Casos de Prestatarios en Bancarrota ( )
- Countrywide Will Pay $108 Million for Overcharging Struggling Homeowners; Loan Servicer Inflated Fees, Mishandled Loans of Borrowers in Bankruptcy ( )
- Federal and State Agencies Target Mortgage Foreclosure Rescue and Loan Modification Scams ( )
- Agencias Federales y Estatales se Enfocan en Estafas de Rescate de Ejecución Hipotecaria y Modificación de Préstamos ( )
- Federal and State Agencies Crack Down on Mortgage Modification and Foreclosure Rescue Scams ( )
- FTC Warns Mortgage Advertisers and Media That Ads May Be Deceptive ( )
- FTC to Host Workshop on Alternative Mortgages ( )
- Credit Bureaus Announce How Consumers Can Access Free Credit Reports ( )
- FTC Charges One of Nation's Largest Subprime Lenders with Abusive Lending Practices ( )
- Home Equity Lenders Settle Charges that They Engaged in Abusive Lending Practices; Over Half Million Dollars To Be Returned to Consumers ( )
- FTC Effort Increases Voluntary Compliance With Real Estate Credit Advertising Laws ( )