<p>Every year the FTC brings hundreds of cases against individuals and companies for violating consumer protection and competition laws that the agency enforces. These cases can involve fraud, scams, identity theft, false advertising, privacy violations, anti-competitive behavior and more. The Legal Library has detailed information about cases we have brought in federal court or through our internal administrative process, called an adjudicative proceeding. </p>
Dell Computer Corporation
Apple Computer, Inc.
Fitness Quest, Inc., and Robert R. Schnabel, Jr
Statement of Chairman Robert Pitofsky and Commissioners Sheila F. Anthony and Mozelle W. Thompson, In the Matter of Intel Corporation
Statement of Commissioner Orson Swindle, In the Matter of Intel Corporation
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Orson Swindle, in Novartis Corp., et al.
LS Enterprises, LLC, also d/b/a Freepromo.com, Enterprise Publications, and LRS Publications; Internet Promotions, LLC, also d/b/a Cyberpromoters.com; and Louis Salatto
Rohm & Haas Company, and Morton International, Inc., In the Matter of
Rohm & Haas settled charges that its acquisition of Morton International, Inc. would lessen competition in North American for the production and sale of water-based floor care polymers used in the formulation of floor care products such as polishes. The consent order requires the divestiture of Morton's worldwide water-based floor care polymers business to GenCorp, Inc.
First American Real Estate Solutions, LL
North Lake Tahoe Medical Group, Inc.
Physicians practicing in the North and South Lake Tahoe areas settled charges that they conspired to fix the prices and terms for professional services. The consent order prohibits the IPA from engaging in collective negotiations to fix prices; refusing to deal with third party payers; and coercing payers into accepting PA fee schedules and minimum reimbursement rates.