<p>Every year the FTC brings hundreds of cases against individuals and companies for violating consumer protection and competition laws that the agency enforces. These cases can involve fraud, scams, identity theft, false advertising, privacy violations, anti-competitive behavior and more. The Legal Library has detailed information about cases we have brought in federal court or through our internal administrative process, called an adjudicative proceeding. </p>
Andre, Darryl, d/b/a Creative Concepts, Premier Card Services, et al., FTC and Illinois
Greenhorse Communications, Inc., et al.
National Grant Foundation, Inc., Grant Research & Publishing, Inc., et al.
CUC International Inc. and HFS Incorporated, In the Matter of
CUC International settled allegations that its proposed acquisition of HFS, Inc. would create a virtual monopoly in the worldwide market for full-service timeshare exchange services. CUC operates more than 20 membership-based consumer services companies, while HFS subsidiary, Resort Conduminiums International, is the world's largest provider of timeshare vacation exchanges. Timeshare owners rely on exchange services to process exchanges. The consent order requires divestiture of CUC's interval timeshare business to Interval Acquisition Corporation, a new entrant. Should this divestiture not take place, the consent order requires CUC to divest either Interval or HFS' Resort Condominiums International.
CRA Champion Credit, Inc., et al.
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Consent order settles charges that Cablevision's acquisition of certain cable operations in northern New Jersey and in New York from Tele-Communications Inc. would result in higher prices and lower quality of cable television services for residents of Paramus and Hillsdale, New Jersey. The settlement requires divestiture of TCI's cable systems in the two cities.
Eureka Solutions International, Inc., et al.
Shell Oil Company and Texaco Inc.
Shell Oil and Texaco settled allegations that their proposed joint venture would reduce competition and could raise prices for gasoline in Hawaii, California, and Washington and the price of asphalt in California. The consent order requires Shell to divest a package of assets, including Shell's Anacortes, Washington refinery; a terminal and retail gasoline stations in Oahu, Hawaii and retail gas stations, and a pipeline in California.
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., In the Matter of
Consent order settles charges that Johnson's acquisition of Dow brands would adversely affect competition and potentially raise the prices consumers pay for soil and stain removers and glass cleaners. The consent order requires the divestiture of Dow's "Spray 'n Starch", "Spray 'n Wash", and "Glass Plus" businesses to Reckitt & Colrnan.
Guinness PLC, Grand Metropolitan PLC, and Diageo PLC, In the Matter of
The complaint accompanying the proposed consent order alleged that the merger between Guinness and Grand Metropolitan PLC would eliminate substantial competition between the two firms in the sale and distribution of premium Scotch and premium gin in the U.S. The order requires the divestiture of Dewar's Scotch, Bombay gin, and Bombay Sapphire gin brands worldwide to acquirers pre-approved by the Commission.