Selected Publications
- "Hospital Treatment and Patient Outcomes: Evidence from Capacity Constraints," Journal of Public Economics, 2019.
- "Antitrust and Accountable Care Organizations: Observations for the Physician Market," with Daniel Ludwinski and William D. White, Medical Care Research and Review, 2017.
- "The Effect of Child Health Insurance Access on Schooling: Evidence from Public Insurance Expansions," with Sarah Cohodes, Michael Lovenheim, and Daniel Grossman, Journal of Human Resources, 2016.
- "Analysis of Hospital Production: An Output Index Approach," with Martin S. Gaynor and William B.
Vogt, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2015. - "Market Power and Provider Consolidation in Physician Markets," with William D. White and Sean M.
Lyons, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 2015. - "Measuring Returns to Hospital Care: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns," with Joseph Doyle,
John Graves, and Jonathan Gruber, Journal of Political Economy, 2015. - "Nurses’ Unions," Encyclopedia of Health Economics, 2014.
- "A Structural Approach to Market Definition with an Application to the Hospital Industry," with Martin S.
Gaynor and William B. Vogt, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2013. - "Provider Concentration in Markets for Physician Services for Patients with Traditional Medicare," with Sean M. Lyons and William D. White, Health Management, Policy and Innovation, 2012.
- "Do Strikes Kill? Evidence from New York State," with Jonathan Gruber, American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy, 2012.
Fields of Interest
- Health Economics
- Health Policy
- Industrial Organization
- Antitrust
- Public Economics
Professional Experience
Federal Trade Commission
Assistant Professor
Cornell University
Dutch Healthcare Authority
Teaching Assistant
Carnegie Mellon University
Research Assistant
Carnegie Mellon University