Selected Publications
- "Regulation and Competition in the U.S. Local Telephone Industry," with Mo Xiao, Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Competition and Regulation, Forthcoming.
- "Does Competition from Cable Providers Spur the Deployment of Fiber?" Working Paper, 2023.
- "Are Solar Incentive Programs Effective at Reducing CO2 Emissions? Evidence from Massachusetts," Working Paper, 2023.
- "A Game of Quality Competition Among ISPs," Working Paper, 2022.
Selected Presentations
- Does Competition from Cable Providers Spur the Deployment of Fiber? International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC) . Washington, DC (2023)
- Evaluating the Effects of Incentive Programs on Residential Solar Panel Adoption in Massachusetts. International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). Boston, MA (2022)
- Evaluating the Effects of Incentive Programs on Residential Solar Panel Adoption in Massachusetts. Commodity and Energy Markets Association. Chicago, IL (2022)
- A Game of Quality Competition Among ISPs. Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. Washington, DC (2022)
Northeastern University
PhD Economics
Northeastern University
MA Economics
Northeastern University
BS Economics
Fields of Interest
- Industrial Organization
- Antitrust
- Environmental Economics
- Telecommunications
Professional Experience
Federal Trade Commission
Economic Consultant
Economics and Technology, Inc.