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(202) 326-2846
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Selected Publications
- "Health impacts of food assistance: evidence from the United States," with M. Bitler, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2019.
- "Changing labor force composition and the natural rate of unemployment," with D. Aaronson, L. Hu, and D.G. Sullivan, Chicago Fed Letter, 2015.
- "Declining labor force participation and its implications for unemployment and employment growth," with D. Aaronson, L. Hu, and D.G. Sullivan, Economic Perspectives, 2014.
Selected Presentations
- "Effects of the WIC roll-out: New evidence from the National Archives," Southern Economics Association. Ft. Lauderdale, FL (2022)
- "The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Household Expenditures for Vulnerable Households," Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Chicago, IL (2021)
- "The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Household Expenditures for Vulnerable Households," UC Davis Center for Poverty & Inequality Research. Davis, CA (2021)
University of California, Davis
PhD Economics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Mathematics, Economics
Fields of Interest
- Public Economics
Professional Experience
Federal Trade Commission
Senior Associate Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago