Selected Publications
- "The Long-Term Effects of Income for At-Risk Infants: Evidence from Supplemental Security Income," with Amelia Hawkins, Sarah Miller, Laura Wherry, Gloria Aldana, and Mitchell Wong, American Economic Review, Forthcoming.
- "Prioritizing Value? How Low-Income Patients Respond to Prescription Cost-Sharing," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Revise and Resubmit.
Selected Presentations
- "The Effects of Higher Physician Access Costs on Prescription Utilization," National Tax Association. Detroit, MI (2024)
- "Prioritizing Value? How Low-Income Patients Respond to Prescription Cost-Sharing," National Tax Association. Denver, CO (2023)
University of Michigan
PhD Economics
University of Maryland
BS Mathematics, Economics
Fields of Interest
- Healthcare
- Public Finance
- Antitrust
Professional Experience
Federal Trade Commission
Research Assistant
Federal Reserve Board