Deputy Assistant Director
Selected Publications
- "Upward Pricing Pressure in Mergers where Prices are Determined through Joint Bargaining," with Chris V. Lau, Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2024.
- "In the Shadow of Antitrust Enforcement: Price Effects of Hospital Mergers from 2009-2016," with Chris Garmon and Ted Rosenbaum, Journal of Law & Economics, 2023.
- "Economics at the FTC: Estimating Harm from Deception and Analyzing Mergers," with Michael Vita, Miriam Larson‑Koester, Nathan Petek, Charles Taragin, William Violette, and Daniel H. Wood, Review of Industrial Organization, 2022.
- "Simulating Hospital Merger Simulations," with David J. Balan, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2022.
- "A Review of the Economic Literature on Cross-Market Healthcare Mergers," with Ted Rosenbaum, Antitrust Law Journal, 2019.
- "Economic Fundamentals: Competitive Effects," American Bar Association Fundamentals of Antitrust Economics Series, 2016.
- "Economics at the FTC: Office Supply Retailers Redux, Healthcare Quality Efficiencies Analysis, and Litigation of an Alleged Get-Rich-Quick Scheme," with Martin Gaynor, Patrick McAlvanah, David Schmidt, and Elizabeth Schneirov, Review of Industrial Organization, 2014.
- "Hospital Merger Simulation," with Chris Garmon, American Hospital Lawyers Association Member Briefing, 2014.
- "Economics at the FTC: Hospital Mergers, Authorized Generic Drugs, and Consumer Credit Markets," with Joe Farrell, David Balan, and Brett Wendling, Review of Industrial Organization, 2011.
Selected Presentations
- Upward Pricing Pressure in Mergers where Prices are Determined through Joint Bargaining. American Society of Health Economists Conference. San Diego, CA (2024)
- In the Shadow of Antitrust Enforcement: Price Effects of Hospital Mergers from 2009-2016. International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC). Washington, DC (2023)
- Panel: "“Cross Market” Provider Mergers (Chair)," FTC Microeconomics Conference. Washington, DC (2017)
- Quantitative Methods in Unilateral Effects Analysis. Argentine Commission for the Defense of Competition. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016)
- Economic Fundamentals: Competitive Effects. American Bar Association Fundamentals of Antitrust Economics Series. Washington, DC (2016)
Selected Casework
Selected Reports
Fields of Interest
- Industrial Organization
- Antitrust
- Health Economics
Professional Experience
Deputy Assistant Director
Federal Trade Commission
Economic Advisor to Commissioner R. K. Slaughter
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission