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FTC Staff Comment Before the New Jersey General Assembly Regarding Assembly Bills 2986, 3096, 3041, and 3216, Which Would Create Limited Exceptions to New Jersey’s Prohibition on Direct-to-Consumer Sales by Manufacturers of Automobiles

Matter Number
FTC staff submitted a comment, in response to a request from New Jersey Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty, regarding four bills that each would permit, to varying degrees, some manufacturers to sell cars...

FTC Staff Comment Before the Missouri House of Representatives Regarding House Bill 1124, Which Would Expand the Current Prohibition on Direct-to-Consumer Sales by Manufacturers of Automobiles

Matter Number
FTC staff submitted a comment, in response to a request from Missouri State Representative Michael J. Colona, regarding Missouri House Bill 1124. The bill would amend the Missouri Motor Vehicle...

Visant/Jostens/American Achievement, In the Matter of

The Commission approved an administrative complaint, alleging that a combined Jostens/American Achievement Corp. ("AAC") would control an unduly high percentage of the high school and college rings markets, making it a dominant firm with only one smaller meaningful competitor in both markets.  The Commission charged that the proposed combination of Jostens and AAC would likely have been anticompetitive and led to higher prices and reduced service for both high school and college students who buy class rings.  The FTC also voted to seek a preliminary injunction in federal court to stop Jostens from proceeding with the proposed acquisition of its close rival, AAC.  On April 17, 2014, the parties abandoned their plans to merge.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
141 0033
Docket Number

FTC Staff Comment Before the Missouri House of Representatives Regarding Missouri House Bills 1481 and 1491

Matter Number
Staff submitted a comment, in response to a request by Representative Jeanne Kirkton of the Missouri House of Representatives, regarding Missouri House Bills 1481 and 1491. HB 1491 would allow APRNs...