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Student Loan Debt Relief Scammer Brandon Frere Agrees to Settle FTC Charges
FTC Acts to Shut Down Unlawful Debt Collection Operation
FTC, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide Crackdown on Phantom and Abusive Debt Collection
Operators of Student Debt Relief Scheme Agree to Pay at Least $835,000 to Settle FTC Allegations
Scammers Who Used Robocalls to Target Cash-Strapped Consumers Banned from Selling Debt Relief Services and Telemarketing
Court Rules in FTC’s Favor Against Student Debt Relief Scammers
FTC Sends More Than $16 Million in Refunds to Victims of Bogus Debt Relief Operation
FTC Sends More than $1 Million in Refunds to Victims of Student Loan Debt Relief Scam
Student Loan Debt Relief Companies Agree to Settle FTC Charges They Falsely Promised to Lower or Eliminate Consumers’ Student Loans
FTC Returns More than $3.1 Million to Victims of Student Loan Debt Relief and Credit Repair Scheme
Three Defendants in Student Debt Relief Scheme Banned from Selling Debt Relief and Telemarketing
BoostMyScore LLC
FTC Stops Student Loan Debt Relief Scheme that Allegedly Bilked Consumers out of Millions
Millennials More likely to Report Losing Money to Fraud than Older Generations, New FTC Data Spotlight Reports
FTC Sends More Than $5.4 Million to People Who Paid for Worthless Student Loan Debt Relief
FTC Takes Action against Operators of Student Loan Debt Relief Schemes and the Financing Company that Assisted Them
FTC Names Additional Defendant in Student Loan Debt Relief Case
Additional Defendants in Student Debt Relief Schemes Agree to Settle FTC Charges
Impetus Enterprise, Inc.
In November 2018, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against recidivist Tuan Duong, among others, alleging he falsely promised to reduce students’ monthly loan payments or to eliminate or reduce their educational debts, but widely failed to deliver those services. The defendants also allegedly promoted a 96 percent success rate in reducing consumers’ student loan payments. In fact, the FTC alleged, the consumers who purchased these services often did not receive any debt relief and lost hundreds of dollars. The FTC alleged that the defendants charged consumers illegal upfront fees of $300 or more for these purported debt relief services. A federal court temporarily halted the scheme and froze its assets.
In May 2019, Duong, the ringleader of the scheme, agreed to settle the Commission’s charges that he bilked $11 million from consumers who were trying to reduce their student loan monthly payments or get loan forgiveness. Under the modified court order, Duong admits he violated the 2016 order and is now banned from the telemarketing industry. The proposed modified final order against Duong contains both injunctive and monetary relief. The order contains an $11,000,215.25 judgment as compensatory relief to the FTC and permanently bans Duong from the telemarketing industry.
In July 2019, both Avitia-Pena, president of Impetus Enterprise, Inc., and Jimmy Calderon, manager of Capital Sun Investments, LLC, settled the FTC’s charges alleging they conducted student loan debt relief operations associated with Duong. The $11 million settlement to be paid by Avitia-Pena represents gross revenues of Impetus Enterprise Inc.’s student loan debt relief operation. The order against Calderon and Capital Sun Investments contains a suspended judgment for $1.3 million, the gross revenues of Capital Sun Investments, LLC’s operation.
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