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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
11/8/96 – Advised caller’s assistant that income from securities and other investments must be included in revenues for 802.51(d) even though such securities and investments may be in foreign firms...
801.1(c); #70 Premerger Notification Practice Manual
Based upon the agreement of the parties to consummate the transaction requiring C to convert debt into equity as an integral step in the acquisition process and because C will only hold the voting...
Section 801.40 applies to this transaction based on the fact including: identity of the purchasers is known, sale of stock is timely to the shareholders and IPO; the money raised is used to purchase...
Acquisition of credit card servicing rights relating to the authorization, clearing & settlement of transactions based on credit card sales is considered an acquisition of assets that is exempt as...
When Corp. A acquires the remaining 70% partnership interest in LTD it has acquired the LTD assets and creates a fileable event. Since the partnership is collapsed Corp. A may place the assets into...
Formation of an LLC that has a governing body limited to officers, directors or employees of forming persons, who each take back a 50% interest in the LLC, is considered to be the formation of a...