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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
12/12/96 - Advised writer that since only an exclusive distribution right was being granted, the PMN Office would not view such transfer as reportable under the principles of ABA letter #49. Q retains...
12/11/96 - Confirmed with writer that LLC would be controlled by both universities. The chief executive officer of the LLC would be, therefore, an employee of both universities. Representatives of...
See Letter #62 for the formula used in #94. Does the underlying v/s (of the preferred stock)enable the holder of securities to vote for exactly two directors (the same number it can currently appoint)...
12/9/96 - Advised writer that I agreed with his conclusion. However, disagreed with sentence two in paragraph (2) above. The HSR Act says nothing about partnership interests. The5/29/87 SBP at 20061...
12/2/96 - Advised writer that neither the partnership or LLC formation would be reportable under HSR. However, partnership would be controlled by A & B due to their direct holdings of49.5% and their...
801.1 (c); #76 Premerger Notification Practice Manual
Facts presented indicate that the 4 entities have entered into a partnership agreement for the operation of the hospitals. If there is a management agreement with operation of hospital by previous non...
801.11 (c); 802.20; #158 Premerger Notification Practice Manual
Since the consolidating statement is part of the annually prepared financial statements it should be included in determining the annual sales of the subsidiary to be sold. Together they show “net”...