Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos
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Los sitios web del gobierno federal siempre usan un dominio .gov o .mil. Antes de compartir información confidencial en línea, asegúrese de estar en un sitio .gov o .mil.
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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
6/12/96 Advised writer that no operating unit of the seller appears to be sold. Seller will continue to lease and finance business machine products which it will produce as well as larger ticket items...
6/5/96 Writer advised that the loan System makes to Newco will carry a normal interest rate. There is no ownership or control relationship between System and Newco. They will have a bona fide creditor...
6/3/96 Advised writers phone mail system that I agreed with his conclusion. Clearly there are no sales in the U.S. and the re-insurance services being provided are being conducted outside the U.S...