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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Apparent applicability of the Franchise Rule to a commercial real estate affiliation program. Discusses in detail the likely availability of the fractional franchise exemption to the affiliation...
5/13/96 Advised writer that transfer of assets from Hospital to New Hospital A by System, which is a health care system with other hospitals and activities, and assets from Hospital B to New Hospital...
Based on all of the facts, you have made the determination that it is not reportable. (Assuming the size-of-person test is met). I concur that this transaction is exempt by (redacted) under Section...
5/1/96- Advised writer that U.S. issuers right (even though non-exclusive) to useforeign government (redacted), a (redacted) which transports (redacted) after it passesthrough the (redacted) of a...
Called the writer and told him that the formation of Newco is not a reportable eventprimarily because there is no acquisition. No assets are being transferred to Newco. We did not reach the issue of...