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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
12/20/95-Advised writer that lessee's taking of title (or security interest) in facility would not constitute the transfer of beneficial ownership of the faculty and thus, no HSR report would be...
12/19/95 - Advised writer's i.e.-counsel [redacted] that such transaction is taking the form of a voting stock acquisition, 807.21 does not come into play. Though two filings must be made for the two...
12/14/95 - Writer confirms that office building does not have more than $15 MM of non-office space in it. Advised that acquiring person must make such a determination in good faith. No specific method...
I spoke with (redacted) on 12/14 after consulting with RS, VC and TH. We agree that Parent has sufficient control and ownership of (redacted) to make a new filing unnecessary. Since the previous...