Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos
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El .gov significa que es oficial.
Los sitios web del gobierno federal siempre usan un dominio .gov o .mil. Antes de compartir información confidencial en línea, asegúrese de estar en un sitio .gov o .mil.
Este sitio es seguro.
El https:// medios todos los datos transmitidos son cifrados - en otras palabras, cualquier información o el historial de navegación que proporcione se transmite de forma segura.
Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
7/20/95 - PMNs decision on Primary Trademark license was based on two factors: the use of the trademark was based on exclusive use in distribution through certain Direct Marketing Channels and the...
7/17/95 - Called writer and advised that no voting stock was coming back from the formation of this LLC and thus no HSR report was required under 801.40
7/14/95 - Advised writer that it is the view of the PNO Office that the formations of non-profits Newco I and Newco II are exempt from the reporting requirements under 802.41 since they do not issue...