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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
10/29/ (redacted) letter response 10/30/84. 1. Not significantly except to extent system fails [indecipherable] we have to spend time looking for necessary documents. 2. Yes - See p33524 - if entities...
T/C 9/25/84 Scanlon - [unknown person] I explained retention of $10 MM abovepass through money could make this deal reportable - He will send supplemental letter citing his understanding of this. ams(...
Initialed by WEK 9/13/84. O (redacted) letter. B Parent [holds] 80% [of] sub 20%[of which is] held by Client Smith. A to acquire B (Parent) of B sub. Prior to A acq Smith will form Smith Inc & will...