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Displaying 1461 - 1480 of 1884

International Cooperation in Antitrust Enforcement

The Annual Conference of The American Corporate Counsel Association European Chapter, Conrad International Hotel
London, England
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner


Good evening. I'm very pleased to have this opportunity to speak to your annual conference about some current international antitrust topics, including the relationship between

Advertising Alcohol and the First Amendment

The American Bar Association Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Committee on Beverage Alcohol Practice
San Francisco, California
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner

Good afternoon. I'm pleased to have the opportunity to talk with you about alcoholic beverage advertising and the Federal Trade Commission.(1) Since many of you are probably not familiar with the

Econometric Analysis in FTC v. Staples

American Bar Association's Antitrust Section Economics Committee, Willard Hotel
Jonathan B. Baker, Former Director, Bureau of Economics

At the end of June, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. granted the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) request for a preliminary injunction blocking the Staples-Office Depot merger.(2) The

Protecting the Consumer in the Global Marketplace,

The Institute of Trading Standards Administration
Antwerp, Belgium
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner

Good morning, and thank you for inviting me to discuss one U.S. perspective on protecting the consumer in the global marketplace.(1)Just as technological developments have encouraged the globalization

Antitrust and Intellectual Property: Recent Highlights and Uncertainties

The American Law Institute-American Bar Association, "Antitrust/Intellectual Property Claims in High Technology Markets", Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts
Mary L. Azcuenaga, Former Commissioner

The views expressed are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner.

Good morning. I am delighted to be with you this

Antitrust and Trade Associations at the FTC

The Antitrust Committee and the Trade Association Committee of the Chicago Bar Association, Plymouth Court
Chicago, Illinois
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner


Thank you and good afternoon. I'm pleased to have the opportunity to discuss how the Federal Trade Commission prosecutes and adjudicates horizontal restraint-of-trade cases. I will

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Defense Industry

The Subcommittee on Acquisition and Technology of the United States Senate Armed Services Committee
Washington, D.C.
Robert Pitofsky, Former Chairman

I. Introduction

Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, I am pleased to appear before you today to present the testimony of the Federal Trade Commission concerning the important topic of mergers

Merger Remedies

The American Bar Association Antitrust Spring Meeting, Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C.
George S. Cary, Former Senior Deputy Director

Over the past year, we have focused a great deal of time and energy on analyzing the effectiveness of the Commission's merger remedies. Our reassessment of how we should be approaching divestiture

Report from the Bureau of Competition

The American Bar Association, Antitrust Section, Spring Meeting 1997, FTC and Clayton Act Committees
Washington, D.C.
William J. Baer, Former Director, Bureau of Competition

I appreciate this opportunity to bring you up to date on antitrust enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission. This year's Spring Meeting occurs just before the completion of my second full year as

The Role of Advertising and Advertising Regulation in the Free Market

The Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies, Conference on Advertising for Economy and Democracy
Istanbul, Turkey
Mary L. Azcuenaga, Former Commissioner

The views expressed are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner.

I am delighted to join you today and to participate in

Unfairness, Internet Advertising and Innovative Remedies

The American Advertising Federation Government Affairs Conference
Washington, D.C.
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss a few current issues which I suspect could cause some concern to the advertising community. This is an interesting time to be a Commissioner, and I predict

Competition Policy In Communications Industries: New Antitrust Approaches

The Glasser LegalWorks Seminar on Competitive Policy in Communications Industries: New Antitrust Approaches
Washington, D.C.
Robert Pitofsky, Former Chairman

Recent developments in the communications industries show a steady movement from direct regulation to increased reliance on free market incentives. As a believer in the efficiency of market incentives

Thoughts on 'Leveling the Playing Field' in Health Care Markets

The National Health Lawyers Association, Twentieth Annual Program on Antitrust in the Health Care Field
Washington, D.C.
Robert Pitofsky, Former Chairman


I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you today about an idea that we frequently hear raised in discussions about health care markets: the concept of "leveling the playing field." The

The Federal Trade Commission's Current Enforcement Policies with Emphasis on Actions Against Associations

The 33rd Annual Symposium on Associations and Antitrust, The Trade Association and Antitrust Law Committee of the Bar of the District of Columbia, The Capitol Hilton Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner


Thank you and good morning. I'm pleased to have the opportunity to address this distinguished gathering on some important antitrust issues concerning associations

Before I continue, I

Staying Ahead of the Merger Wave

The 15th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute, J.W. Marriott Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
George S. Cary, Former Senior Deputy Director

It is a pleasure to address the Corporate Counsel Institute here in Atlanta. I have just completed my first year as the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Competition for mergers. I chose a particularly