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Developments in Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission: Achieving Customer Satisfaction in a Government Law Enforcement Agency

The PMAA Promotion Law/Marketing Conference, Promotion Marketing Association of America, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.
Mary L. Azcuenaga, Former Commissioner

The views expressed are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Trade Commission or the other Commissioners.

Good afternoon. I am very happy to be here for this

FTC Staff Report on Competition Policy: Six Months After

American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, The Changing Nature of Competition--Legal and Policy Implications
Washington, D.C.
Robert Pitofsky, Former Chairman

In May 1996, the FTC released a staff report ambitiously titled "Anticipating the 21st Century: Competition Policy in the New High-Tech Global Marketplace." This conference, six months after, is

Reflections on 20 Years of Merger Enforcement under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act

Before The Conference Board, Washington, D.C., October 29, 1996 and before The 35th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute, Northwestern University School of Law, Corporate Law Center, San Francisco, CA, October 31, 1996
William J. Baer, Former Director, Bureau of Competition

One month ago, on September 30, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 ("HSR Act" or "HSR").(2) "Celebrate" may not be the word

Current Issues in Health Care Antitrust Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission

The American Bar Association, Antitrust & Health Care: New Approaches and Challenges, Omni Royal Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
William J. Baer, Former Director, Bureau of Competition


It is an honor to be here and join such an impressive group of practitioners, government officials, judges, academics and economists to discuss the cutting edge issues confronting

The Federal Trade Commission and International Antitrust

The Fordham Corporate Law Institute, 23rd annual conference on International Antitrust Law & Policy
New York, N.Y.
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

The views expressed herein are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner.


I am very pleased to have this

Myths and Half-Truths About Deceptive Advertising

The National Infomercial Marketing Association
Las Vegas, Nevada
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner

Jack Kemp and the Magnificent Seven are tough acts to follow, but I'll attempt to keep you on the edge of your seats with some tips on how to avoid inquiries by the Federal Trade Commission. First --

Contemporary Empirical Merger Analysis (Revised: February 7, 1997)

The George Mason University Law Review Symposium , "Antitrust in the Information Revolution: New Economic Approaches for Analyzing Antitrust Issues", Key Bridge Marriott Hotel
Rosslyn, Virginia
Jonathan B. Baker, Former Director, Bureau of Economics

REVISED: February 7, 1997


Note: this speech has been revised and is published in the George Mason University Law Review, vol. 5, pp. 347-61, 1997.

During the hearings on concentration in American

Keynote Remarks

The Practicing Law Institute's Conference on "False Advertising and the Law: Coping with Today's Challenges"
New York, N.Y.
Janet D. Steiger, Former Chairman

Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here today at the Practicing Law Institute's program, "False Advertising and the Law: Coping with Today's Challenges." Before I begin, let me make the standard

The Evolution of U.S. Merger Law

Prepared Remarks before INDECOPI Conference
Debra A. Valentine, Former General Counsel

Let me begin by acknowledging that US antitrust law does not embody some ultimate truth. Neither our Congress nor our antitrust enforcers have been to the mountain top and returned with stone tablets

Unilateral Competitive Effects Theories in Merger Analysis

Antitrust Developments Program, American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, Annual Meeting, Grand Floridian Hotel
Orlando, Florida
Jonathan B. Baker, Former Director, Bureau of Economics

Note: This speech has been revised and is published in Antitrust, vol. 11, Spring 1997, pp. 21-26.

Thomas Kuhn's recent death reminded me of his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which I

Competition and Efficiencies in Merger Analysis: Proposal from the Federal Trade Commission Staff Report on Competition Policy in the New High-Tech, Global Marketplace

The 1996 Annual Meeting, Section of Antitrust Law, The American Bar Association
Orlando, Florida
Susan DeSanti, Former Deputy General Counsel for Policy Studies


I am pleased to be on this panel to discuss new developments and directions in antitrust law and policy. This topic is particularly relevant to my job as Director of Policy Planning at

Reinventing Health Care Antitrust Enforcement

The Antitrust Common Ground Conference
Nashville, Tennessee
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner

Good morning. It is a pleasure to be here today to introduce this morning's program on the antitrust analysis of hospital mergers, HMO mergers and physician networks. I would like to express my