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Rite Aid Corporation and The Jean Coutu Group (PJC), Inc., In the Matter of

The Commission charged that Rite Aid Corporation’s $3.5 billion acquisition of competitors Brooks and Eckerd Pharmacies from the Canadian drug store operator Jean Coutu Group, Inc. was anticompetitive and required the sale of retail pharmacies located in 23 cities along the East Coast. According to the Commission’s complaint, the merger would have substantially reduced competition in the sale of pharmacy services to customers in those areas, where customers view stores operated by the two companies as their two best options. The consent order requires Rite Aid to divest pharmacies in those cities to buyers preapproved by the Commission. The investigation, which included cooperation from the state attorneys general of Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Maine, was handled by the agency’s Northeast Regional Office.
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FTC Matter/File Number
Docket Number

Colegio de Optometras, Edgar Davila Garcia, O.D., and Carlos Rivera Alonso, O.D., In the Matter of

The Commission charged a group of optometrists in Puerto Rico with violating the FTC Act by orchestrating agreements among members of the Colegio de Optometras to refuse, or threaten to refuse, to accept vision and health care contracts except on collectively agreed-upon terms. Two leaders of the group were also charged with facilitating the agreement by urging members not to participate in the vision network. The Commission’s consent order settling these charges bars the group and the two leaders from engaging in such conduct, while allowing them to undertake certain kinds of joint contracting arrangements by which physician participants control costs and improve quality by managing the provision of services. FTC staff worked with the Office of Monopolistic Affairs of Puerto Rico’s Department of Justice on this case.

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FTC Matter/File Number
051 0044

South Carolina State Board of Dentistry, In the Matter of

The Commission settled a September 15 2003 administrative complaint charging the South Carolina State Board of Dentistry with unlawfully restraining competition by enacting a rule that required a dentist to examine every child before a dental hygienist could provide preventive dental care – such as cleanings – in schools. The Board, which is a state regulatory agency composed primarily of practicing dentists, claimed that its actions were immune from antitrust challenge under the state action doctrine, but that argument was rejected in a 2004 Commission opinion holding that the Board’s conduct was directly contrary to state law. In 2006, the court of appeals dismissed the Board’s interlocutory petition for review for lack of jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court denied certiorari in January 2007. The FTC’s 2007 consent requires the Board to publicly support the current state public health program that allows hygienists to provide preventive dental care to schoolchildren, especially those from low-income families.

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FTC Matter/File Number
Docket Number

Actavis Group hf. and Abrika Pharmaceuticals, Inc., In the Matter of

The Commission prevented a merger-to-monopoly in the sale of generic isradipine capsules by challenging the proposed $235 million purchase of Abrika Pharmaceuticals, Inc., by the Actavis Group, an international generic pharmaceuticals company. To maintain competition in the market for this important generic drug, used to lower blood pressure and to treat hypertension, ischemia, and depression, the consent order requires the divestiture of all rights and assets necessary to produce, market, and sell generic isradipine to Cobalt Laboratories, Inc.
Type of Action
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FTC Matter/File Number