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Staples, Inc. and Office Depot, Inc.

Staff authorized to file a motion for a preliminary injunction to block the proposed acquisition of Office Depot, 1nc. on grounds that the $4 billion acquisition would allow the combined firm to control prices for the sale of office supplies in numerous metropolitan areas in the United States. On June 30, 1997, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia granted the Commission's motion for the injunction. Staples abandoned its acquisition plans in July 1997.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number

New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc., In the Matter of

Consent order settles charges that New Balance fixed and controlled the resale prices of its shoes in an effort to raise retail prices for its athletic footwear.  According to the complaint, New Balance entered into agreements with some of its retailers to restrict price competition, and threatened to terminate or suspend shipments to retailers who did not abide by the pricing restrictions.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
921 0050
Docket Number

Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees

Rule Updated Date
The Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees Guides help advertisers avoid unfair or deceptive practices in the advertising of warranties and guarantees. The Guides provide examples of disclosures...
Business Blog

New toolkit for retailers to help stop gift card scams

In many ways, gift cards ushered in a win-win era. Better gift-giving (and getting) for consumers and increased sales for retailers. But leave it to scammers to try to mess up a good thing. According...