Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 1349
FTC Charges That Security Flaws in RockYou Game Site Exposed 32 Million Email Addresses and Passwords
The operator of a social game site has agreed to settle charges that, while touting its security features, it failed to protect the privacy of its users, allowing hackers to access the personal...
FTC Warns That Rapid Expansion of Internet Domain Name System Could Leave Consumers More Vulnerable to Online Fraud
The Federal Trade Commission today sent a letter to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization that oversees Internet domain names, expressing concern that the...
FTC Testifies Before House Judiciary Subcommittee on Agency's Work to Promote Competition and Benefit Consumers
In testimony today before a U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee, the Federal Trade Commission detailed its work to promote competition and benefit consumers, including preventing...
Facebook Settles FTC Charges That It Deceived Consumers By Failing To Keep Privacy Promises
The social networking service Facebook has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it deceived consumers by telling them they could keep their information on Facebook private, and then...
Godwin, Jones O., d/b/a skidekids.com
Type of Action
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FTC Matter/File Number
Operator of Social Networking Website for Kids Settles FTC Charges Site Collected Kids Personal Information Without Parental Consent
The operator of www.skidekids.com, a website that advertises itself as the “Facebook and Myspace for Kids,” has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that he collected personally...
FTC Settlement Bans Alleged Spammer from Sending Unsolicited Text Messages
An operator who allegedly sent millions of illegal spam text messages to consumers is banned from sending any unsolicited text messages, under a settlement agreement with the Federal Trade Commission...
FTC To Host Workshop on Facial Recognition Technology
The Federal Trade Commission will host a workshop in Washington, DC on December 8, 2011, exploring facial recognition technology and the privacy and security implications raised by its increasing use...
W3 Innovations, LLC d/b/a Broken Thumb Apps and Justin Maples, U.S.
Type of Action
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FTC Matter/File Number
102 3251
Mobile Apps Developer Settles FTC Charges It Violated Children's Privacy Rule
A developer of mobile applications, including children’s games for the iPhone and iPod touch, will pay $50,000 to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the Children’s Online Privacy...
FTC Testifies on Consumer Privacy and Protection in the Mobile Marketplace
The Federal Trade Commission today told Congress that while mobile technology, such as smart phones, is giving consumers a vast array of new products and services, it also presents new consumer...
Operators of Online "Virtual Worlds" to Pay $3 Million to Settle FTC Charges That They Illegally Collected and Disclosed Children's Personal Information
The operators of 20 online virtual worlds have agreed to pay $3 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule by illegally...
FTC Testifies on Protecting Consumers' Privacy on Mobile Devices
The Federal Trade Commission today told Congress that “the Commission is committed to protecting consumers’ privacy in the mobile sphere” by bringing enforcement actions where appropriate and “by...
Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP printer cartridges)
Mary K. Engle, Associate Director
Text of the Letter
(38.12 KB)
Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On The State of Online Consumer Privacy
Jon Leibowitz, Former Chairman
(210.2 KB)
The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies With Competition
Text of the FTC Report
(2.61 MB)
FTC Asks Court to Shut Down Text Messaging Spammer
The Federal Trade Commission asked a federal judge to shut down an operation that allegedly blasted consumers with millions of illegal spam text messages, including many messages that deceptively...
Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on Do Not Track
David Vladeck, Former Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection
(162.88 KB)
Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 1349