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FTC Closes Door on Spyware Operation

An operation that placed spyware on consumers’ computers in violation of federal laws will give up more than $2 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges. Under a stipulated final judgment...

Hologic Inc., In the Matter of

The Commission approved a final consent order to ensure the maintenance of competition in the market for prone stereotactic breast biopsy systems (SBBSs). The Commission had challenged this merger which was consummated in 2005. The order required the divestiture of all prone SBBS assets to Siemens, a company well-positioned to become a competitor in this market.

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FTC Matter/File Number

Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation, In the Matter of

The consent order settles charges that the $27 billion acquisition of Guidant Corporation by Boston Scientific Corporation would harm competition and consumers in several significant medical device markets. Guidant Corporation by Boston Scientific Corporation are the largest market shareholders in several coronary medical device markets in the U.S., together accounting for 90% of the U.S. PTCA balloon catheter market and 85% of the U.S. coronary guidewire market.

Type of Action
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FTC Matter/File Number