www.cleanula.com, www.clean-sale.com, www.clean-sell.com, www.clorox-sale.com, www.clorox-sales.com, www.cloroxstore.com, www.crlysol.com, www.elysol.com, www.littletoke.com, www.lybclean.com, www.lysoiclean.com, www.lysol-clean.com, www.lysol-cleaners.com, www.lysol-free.com, www.lysolsales.com, www.lysolservicebest.com, www.lysol-sell.com, www.lysol-wipe.com, and www.thaclean.com, Defendants.
Case Summary
In November 2020, at the FTC’s request, a federal court in Ohio issued a temporary restraining order against 25 counterfeit websites that allegedly have been playing on consumers’ COVID-19 pandemic fears to trick them into paying for Clorox and Lysol products that the defendants never deliver.