March 5, 2009
Gemtronics, Inc., and William H. Isely, individually and as the owner of Gemtronics, Inc., In the Matter of
March 5, 2009
Edward Sumpolec, individually and d/b/a Thermalkool, Thermalcool, and Energy Conservation Specialists
March 5, 2009
Meyer Enterprises, LLC, et al., United States of America (for the Federal Trade Commission)
March 4, 2009
National Association of Music Merchants, Inc., In the Matter of
March 3, 2009
Daniel Chapter One, and James Feijo individually and as an officer of Daniel Chapter One, In the Matter of
March 3, 2009
Essex Marketing Group, Inc., Westbrook Marketing Group, Inc., et al.
March 3, 2009
Group One Networks, Inc., et al.
March 3, 2009
Alexander Heckman, d/b/a Omega Supply, and Erick Del Rio, In the Matter of
February 27, 2009
Essex Marketing Group, Inc., Westbrook Marketing Group, Inc., et al.
February 27, 2009
Getinge AB and Datascope Corp., In the Matter of
February 27, 2009
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al. (FTC v. Actavis)
February 26, 2009
Lubrizol Corporation, The, and The Lockhart Company, In the Matter of
February 26, 2009
Daniel Chapter One, and James Feijo individually and as an officer of Daniel Chapter One, In the Matter of
February 26, 2009
Gemtronics, Inc., and William H. Isely, individually and as the owner of Gemtronics, Inc., In the Matter of
February 25, 2009
Daniel Chapter One, and James Feijo individually and as an officer of Daniel Chapter One, In the Matter of
February 25, 2009
Rambus Inc., In the Matter of
February 25, 2009
Alexander Heckman, d/b/a Omega Supply, and Erick Del Rio, In the Matter of
February 25, 2009
RCA Credit Services, LLC, et al.
February 24, 2009
Daniel Chapter One, and James Feijo individually and as an officer of Daniel Chapter One, In the Matter of
February 23, 2009
Cash Today, Ltd.