From: (redacted)
Sent: Monday April 14, 2003 6:19 PM
To: Michael Verne
Subject: 7A(c)(10))
Mike - Can you clarify the application of 7A(c)(10) to voting securities held by an LLC or a partnership when those securities are transferred to the parent? It seems that based upon the definition of Hold in 801.1(c)(8) such an acquisition must be exempt. Do you agree? Also, didn't you tell me just recently that an acquisition of assets from a controlled partnership or a controlled LLC will always be exempt?
Further, is it correct that the concept of a secondary acquisition definitionally has no application other than when the acquired entity is a corporation? If the acquired entity is an LLP or a partnership there is no acquisition at all of the shares of a third party held by it unless and until 100% of the LLC or partnership interests are acquired, at which time the acquisition of any voting securities held by the acquired entity is either exempt (see above) or is treated as a primary acquisition? If it is treated as a primary acquisition can you deduct the value of any voting securities (whether exempt or not) from the value of the "assets" when determining the reportability of the acquisition of the LLC or partnership interests?
Thanks very much for your thoughts.