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Michael Verne
910 H acquires 100% of L. (2) Backside acquisition of 54% of H by holding co. Apply continuum only step2 is reportable. N Ovuka concurs.


May 25, 2004


Mr. B. Michael Verne
Premerger Notification Office
Bureau of Competition
Federal Trade Commission
Room 303
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580

DearMr. Verne:

I would be veryappreciative if you or someone in your office could give me a call to discussthe appropriate Hart-Scott-Rodino analysis of a transaction I am working on. Ihave attached a schematic drawing that I hope will aid in our discussions.

In the proposedtransaction, part of H Corp., currently held in an existing sub, will be sold toC in a non-reportable transaction. Moments later, the remainder of H Corp. willcombine with L through a reverse triangular merger in which a merger sub of HCorp. will merge into L, with L as the surviving company, in exchange for 54%of the H Corp. stock being paid to the current shareholder of L. (This is thetransaction shown in drawing "A." Drawing "B" simply addsthat C is a current shareholder of H Corp., but since C is not the ultimateparent of H, I believe this fact is irrelevant to the analysis.)

My questions involve (1) making sure I haveidentified the acquiring and the acquired parties properly (H files asacquiring L, and Holding Co. files as acquiring H?), and (2) the appropriateway for H Corp. to report its earnings in Item 5 of the Notification and ReportForm (should existing sub be included or excluded?). (Staff comment: excludesub.)

Thank u in advance for your assistance in thismatter. I may be reached at (redacted) Please have me paged if I am not in myoffice, and hopefully we can set up a rime to discuss this matter.

(Refer to original document image for diagrams)

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