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Michael Verne


From: (redacted)
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:18 PM
To: Verne, B. Michael
Cc: (redacted)
Subject: FW: HSR Question

Hi, Mike

I am hoping to get your thoughts onthe following situation:

Company A proposes to acquireassets of Company B ("Transaction 1 ") and has made an HSR filing and received early termination of the waiting period.Before Transaction 1 will close, Company A is likely to acquire 100% of thestock of Company C ("Transaction 2"), an entity unrelated to CompanyA or B, via a separate purchase agreement. Company A and C will each make HSR filings in connection with Transaction 2. As a result ofTransaction 2, Company C will become included within the person of Company A.

Accordingly, at the time of theclosing of Transaction 1, Company A will include an entity (Company C) it didnot hold at the time of its HSR notification for Transaction 1. Afterreviewing the applicable regulations, it seems that Company A should disclosein its Item 3(a) description for Transaction 2 that, subsequent to the closingof Transaction 2, Company A may acquire assets of Company B, for which aseparate HSR filing has been made and for which thewaiting period has been terminated (and supply the transaction number). Butassuming that Transaction 1 closes within a year of the termination of the HSR waiting period and assuming that Company A is still the UPE ofthe acquiring person at the time of the closing of Transaction 1, it doesn'tseem that Company A needs to make any further filing in connection withTransaction 1. Do you agree?

About Informal Interpretations

Informal interpretations provide guidance from previous staff interpretations on the applicability of the HSR rules to specific fact situations. You should not rely on them as a substitute for reading the Act and the Rules themselves. These materials do not, and are not intended to, constitute legal advice.

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