Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:39 PM
To: Verne, B. Michael
Subject: Joint venture question
Hi,Mike -
Ihave another question for you in connection with the formation of anon-corporate joint venture ("Newco"). A and B (which are their own UPEs)are each contributing 25% of their membership interests in LLC 1 (whichis also its own UPE) to Newco in exchange for less than a controlling interestin Newco. Others will contribute cash to Newco. We understand that theformation of Newco will not be reportable unless a person will control Newcoand the jurisdictional thresholds are met.
However,regardless of whether the formation of Newco is reportable, it appears thatthere may also be a potentially acquisition of LLC 1 byvirtue of the fact that Newco will hold 50% of its membership interests as aresult of the formation.
AssumingNewco is controlled by a partner ("Controlling Partner"), it seemsControlling Partner would need to make two HSR filings (and pay two fees) inconnection with (a) Newco's formation and (b) obtaining control of LLC 1 as aresult of formation. I assume that LLC 1 wouldalso have to file as an acquired person (in connection with ControllingPartner's obtaining control of it). Do you agree? Suppose that ControllingPartner contributed $100 million cash (and no other consideration) to theformation of Newco (and that the total assets of Newco, determined inaccordance with the rules, are $200 million and the collective value of the 50%interest in LLC 1 can bereasonably estimated to be $80 million). I assume $100 million would be thetransaction value reported by the Controlling Partner in connection with theformation and the value reported in connection with obtaining control of LLC 1 wouldbe $80 million.
Assumingthat Newco is its own UPE, there would be no filing in connection with theformation but Newco would have to file in connection with obtaining control of LLC 1,assuming that the jurisdictional thresholds are met and no other exemptionapplies. LLC 1 wouldfile as an acquired person in this scenario too. Do you agree? Suppose that thetotal assets of Newco are $200 million but the value of the 50% interest in LLC 1 is,again, reasonably estimated to be $80 million. I assume $80 million would bethe reported transaction value.