Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:17 PM
Verne, B. Michael; Walsh, Kathryn; Berg, Karen E.
Thanksfor the heads up on the call yesterday. I found it quite helpful.
Onthe associate point, you suggested to start from the bottom up. If theacquiring entity is a partnership and its upe is a large corporation, one thenneeds to identify any associates of the upe--or any entity it controls--forpurposes of items 6 and 7, correct?
Iunderstand that your experience to date is that one does not get that far upthe chain from the acquiring entity but I can see situations in which theassociates ofthe acquiring entity include the top company in the chain-even ifit is not a control person for HSR Act purposes-and one would then need toidentify all associates of that top company for Item 6 and 7 purposes, correct?