Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 20118:56 PM
To: Verne,B. Michael
Cc: (Redacted)
Subject: 4(d) Documents For Filing
Wehave a question about the scope of item 4(d)(iii). In a transaction for whichthe parties have jointly developed projections of revenue synergies, it seemsclear that any final financial model that includes stated assumptions would beresponsive to Item 4(d)(iii). But what about the following types of documents:
(1) estimates of synergies that do notrise to the level of a "financial model" and do not state theirassumptions (e.g., a slide that simply contains a bullet that says"revenue synergies in 2012 estimated to be $x million"); or
(2) E-mails that do not include the final analysisor models that are sent between the acquiring party and the acquired party inwhich the parties share ideas back and forth about what should go into thesynergies analysis (e.g., "should we include the $X million in synergytype A in our analysis," or "did you factor synergy type B into youranalysis"?).
Thankyou for your guidance, please let me know if you would care to discuss.