Sent:Wednesday, September 28, 20111:47 PM
To:(Redacted), Verne, B. Michael
Cc:Walsh, Kathryn,(Redacted)
Subject: RE: Availability for abrief call
Mike,The narrow issue is that each Fund (i.e., I, II, III etc. ..) has a distinct GPentity (i.e., (Redacted) I, LLC or (Redacted) II, LLC etc...orthe direct GP - the Advisors entity). But across all of these GPs are twonatural persons that have mgt discretion over each fund. The simple question iswhether all Funds are associates nevertheless. Given what I know was the FTC'sintent, we thought you would want to capture info across all these fundsdespite the different GP entities. I understand you folks have already opinedthat we don't have to look at the natural persons but I suppose that would be goodto confirm too. If we can avoid a call that's terrific. We know you are verybusy and appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
From: (Redacted)
Sent:Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:36 PM
To:Verne,B. Michael Cc: (Redacted); Walsh, Kathryn; (Redacted)
Subject: RE: Availabilityfor a brief call
Thereare actually multiple funds, each with multiple portfolio companies. The chartis intended to show the general structure for a given portfolio company.
From:Verne, B. Michael []
Sent:Wednesday, September 28, 20111:02 PM
Cc:(Redacted); Walsh, Kathryn; (Redacted)
Subject: RE: Availabilityfor a brief call
Thanks (redacted). What exactly is the issuehere? This looks pretty straightforward. Are there multiple structures likethis within the family of funds (with the same or different GPs)? Or are thereother portfolio companies that we aren't seeing in the diagram?
From: (Redacted)
Sent:Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:18 PM
To:Verne, B. Michael
Cc:(Redacted); Walsh, Kathryn; (Redacted)
Subject: RE: Availability for abrief call
Peryour request, please see the attached chart.