Monday, June 18, 2012 3:35 PM
Verne, B. Michael; Walsh, Kathryn
HSR Inquiry: UPE
DearMr. Verne and Ms. Walsh:
Iam writing to ask for your direction on the identification of the UPE to file onbehalf of the seller of voting securities on the HSR notification and report.
Approximately47% of the voting securities are held in an irrevocable trust (the "IrrevocableTrust"). The Irrevocable Trust names the settlor's sister as the soletrustee, but also names a "Trust Protector', who has the power toreplace the trustee. Then, the settlor, during his life, retains the power toreplace/appoint the Trust Protector. The settlor of the Irrevocable Trust doesnot retain any other residual interest or power in the trust corpus.
Thesettlor of the Irrevocable Trust also holds approximately 3% ownership interestin the company under his revocable trust. Thus, in combination with the 47%Irrevocable Trust, the settlor -if his power to appoint a successor TrustProtector (who cannot be himself) is deemed controlling -could be the UPE forHSR filing purposes.
Alternatively,the Trust Protector also holds a separate approximate 5% ownership interest inthe company in his revocable trust. Thus, in combination with the 47%Irrevocable Trust, the Trust Protector could be the UPE for HSR filingpurposes.
WhileI have reviewed Sec. 801.1(b) and 801.1(c)(3) and (4), I remain unsure as towhich person is the proper filer (again on behalf of the seller). I would appreciateyour guidance as to which person -the settlor, or the Trust Protector should bethe UPE for this filing.