From: (Redacted)
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 3:01 PM
To: Clark-Coleman, Sheila
Subject: Hart-Scott-Rodino Notification Exemption
July27, 2012
Ms. Sheila Clark-Coleman
Federal Trade Commission
Bureau of Competition
Pre-Merger Notification Office
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 303
Washington, D.C. 20580
Re:Hart-Scott-Rodino Notification Exemption
DearMs. Clark-Coleman,
Thisconfirms our conversation earlier today relating to the Hart-Scott-RodinoNotification requirement and HSR Rule Section 802.2(e).
Iexplained that my client intends to purchase a hotel which includes a detachedcasino, which casino is and shall continue to be operated by an unaffiliatedthird party, that the relationship between my client and the casino operatorwill be one of Landlord-Lessee, and that my client will not own any of thegaming assets.
Youconfirmed that the described transaction would be exempt from the HSRNotification requirements and Rule Section 802.2(e).
Iwould appreciate receiving from you your written confirmation that thedescribed transaction would be exempt from the HSR Notification requirementsand Rule Section 802. 2(e).