From: (Redacted)
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 201311:15 AM
To: Verne, B. Michael
Subject: Question re: capitalleases/installment sales
I understandthat ordinarily enteringinto a lease is not the acquisition of an asset. Iunderstand that enteringinto a lease can be consideredthe acquisition of the leased asset where the lease is a capital lease or installment sale that will exhaust the useful life of the asset.I also understand that the transferof an existing lease is always the acquisitionof an asset (the rights in the lease)but that the value is limited to the premium paid by the buyer over the lease payments it will assume. Does this lease valuation rule govern the transfer of an existingcapital lease? Or would the value of a capitallease instead be determined under 801.10(b) -the FMV of the underlying asset,consistent with the exception that treatsentering into capital leases as asset acquisitions?
I couldn't find an ABA letter on point, but this must have been addressed before.