February 21, 1985
Ms. Addie Williams
Premerger Notification Office
Bureau of Competition
Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580
Dear Ms. Williams:
Thank you for your assistance today in explaining to me by telephone certain requirements of Item 7 of the current Notification and Request Form For Certain Mergers and Acquisitions (hereinafter, the Form). This letter is to confirm my understanding of your explanation of those requirements as they are set forth in the Instructions that accompany the Form.
The Instructions provide that for purposes of completing Item 7(c)(iv), certain information for certain industrial classifications must be provided for each establishment from which dollar revenues were derived in the most recent year. . . . The information should not be provided, however, for establishments not presently part of the person filing notification, even though they were part of the person during the most recent year and revenue was derived from them during that year.
Very truly yours,