November 18, 1991
Mr. Patrick Sharpe
Premerger Notification Office
Room 303
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580
Dear Mr. Sharpe:
This is to confirm the advice you provided to me over the telephone today regarding certain aspects of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Premerger Notification filing requirements for a transaction of the following description:
Foreign Corporation A intends to acquire 51% of the voting securities of foreign corporation B from foreign individuals X, Y and Z. Corporation B owns 50% of the voting securities of U.S. corporation V. The other 50% of the voting securities of corporation V are owned by foreign corporation C.
The advice you provided included the following:
a) As indirect acquisition of the voting securities of V will be treated as an acquisition pursuant to Sec. 801.30 of the premerger regulations and C is required to file a Notification and Report Form (the filing form);
b) A must provide notice to C ** and an affidavit with its filing form in accordance with Sec. 803.5 (a) of the premerger regulations;
** staff note: is this correct? or to V?
c) A should check the box in item 1(d) of its filing form captioned an acquisition subject to Sec. 801.30" and, in the space requiring A to specify the type of acquisition, A may simply put see item 2(a); and
d) failure by C to timely file will not affect the running of the waiting period.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Very truly yours,